Sunday, June 5, 2011

Gonna Get Married, But There's More To My Life, Part 3

The first two posts (parts 1 and 2) covered the first two topics. This one is all about #3. 1. Men I used to date who still don't know I'm engaged yet. 2. Looking for an apartment. 3. Settling into this new job and the financial situation that goes along with it.

3. This job seems like it will be pretty amazing. Once I'm settled and doing the work, i.e, done with training, I will love it. At least I think so thus far.

That's a great thing, but there is this extra part to getting work done. Getting paid for it! Whoo! I still have to have my gainful employment party, and I can't wait for it.

But being gainfully employed means car insurance, rent, heating bills, cell phone, student loans, saving for the future, as well as supporting my own habits (more ballroom dancing than meth, what were you thinking?).

Coming up with a budget of how to cover all these expenses worries me a bit. This will be the first time in my life that I'm covering all my expenses. I have to say, I'm not looking forward to it. I'd like to set a goal of having my budget all written typed out by the end of the month. If I can accomplish that, I'll feel better.

The one thing I'm leaning on right now is that my work salary and life budget doesn't also have to include wedding costs. My wonderfully traditional parents and future in-laws are taking care of most of the wedding associated costs! Yay for them. Easy and I will be returning the favor in terms of helping with retirement and throwing awesome retirement or 50th year anniversary parties.

0 New Hypotheses:

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