Friday, July 29, 2011


That is the question. I've been very worried about how RSVPs will go for all our wedding events because of two people, namely my mother and my fiance.

In dramatic fashion, I've been drawing the back of my hand to my forehead and sighing worriedly that no one will RSVP to our events. Don't worry, I knew they'd come, I just figured we'd never be able to get an accurate head count ahead of time.

This is because those two have put out into the world horrible RSVP karma. They never RSVP. Okay, that's an exaggeration. They hardly ever RSVP for things. I'm praying that others don't do to us what my mother and fiance have done to them.

Our e-party invites have gone out and on them people are asked to either call/text my mother with their RSVP or go to our wedding website and do it. There have already been some RSVPs online which only brings a smile to my face.

There are rebels too. One of our friends RSVP'd through Facebook on Easy's wall. And he wanted to bring a plus one. Easy had to inform him that he wasn't getting a plus one for our e-party or any other wedding event.

That's rough to say, but if we're not inviting family members and close friends of our own, we certainly don't have room for extra random people two and three degrees of separation away.

I think the rules of plus ones are pretty simple. Spouses, children living in the house, significant others in years-long relationships, those who live together, and engaged peoples. The one exception to this is if someone is invited who knows no one there other than the bride or groom.

But so far so good on the RSVP front. I can deal with the occasional Facebook RSVP or even just someone calling me to ask me to RSVP for them online. As long as those people are in the minority, I can hang.

Here's a tip for anyone planning a party of any kind: Don't forget to put a date by which you want people to RSVP!! I forgot to do that. Luckily, we only need a head count 3 days before the event. Luck was on my side with this. I won't make that mistake again, trust me.

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