Friday, December 24, 2010

Weekly Goals Accomplished? Part Six

I know this week is almost done, but I'm just now getting around to putting this up for last week. There are fourteen goals in total This covers the week 12/12-12/18 (Sun-Sat).

Family Member Goal: I'm supposed to reach out to a family member I haven't talked to or spent time with in the last month.
Accomplished?: No. And I really should get on this one. It is the holiday season after all. Even more so because I didn't do it last week.

Career Goal: Fill out at least 50 job applications.
Accomplished?: This goal I have accomplished two weeks in a row. I guess it makes a difference to have internet access. Although, the access wasn't compromised because I spent half of last week in St. Louis.

Career Goal: Do research on grad schools, and on how to acquire a clinic/scholarship program/homeless shelter.
Accomplished?: I didn't actually do anything for this goal last week. I just wasn't in the mood. But next week, I'll be looking up GRE information. Michelle and were just discussing it yesterday.

Career Goal: Have an updated resume by the 10th of this month.
Accomplished?: I completed this goal for the month.

Hobbies (Piano Playing) Goal: Spend at least one hour practicing the piano and/or studying music theory.
Accomplished?: I accomplished this goal. I wasn't really playing holiday music though, I was playing musical music. I'm trying to memorize this one song.

Hobbies (Reading) Goal: Read at least one book in the last week.
Accomplished?: I finally finished Great Expectations! And I started reading another Dickens classic, "The Old Curiosity Shop." I doubt I'll get through it in just a week.

Hobbies (Writing) Goal: Work on novel at least once in the last two weeks.
Accomplished?: I scrapped the one I was working on before because I just wasn't feeling the storyline anymore. So I started working out all new characters. I've got a compelling protagonist, friends becoming enemies, enemies becoming friends. Did anyone catch the Family Guy reference? Anyone at all?

Hobbies (Gardening) Goal: Work on indoor garden plan at least once in the last week.
Accomplished?: Nope. I know, why have a goal on the list if I'm never going to accomplish it?

Hobbies (Yoga) Goal: Go to three yoga classes.
Accomplished?: I didn't make this one, I was in St. Louis for half the week. I only went to one class.

Hobbies (Cooking) Goal: Make one new and one old recipe.
Accomplished?: I made the roasted asparagus that everyone loves for Easy while I was in St. Louis. He has the weirdest taste in fruits and veggies, so I couldn't make my usual spaghetti sauce for the linguine. I ended up coming up with a great recipe for marinara consequently.

Hobbies (Cooking) Goal: Write down the recipe for everything I've made in the last week.
Accomplished?: I didn't exactly get it done during the week, but I did get all the recipes down that I made in the week.

Hobbies (Travelling) Goal: Leave Chicago once a week, leave Illinois once a month, leave the Midwest once a season, and leave USA once a year.
Accomplished?: I left Chicago for bowling, I left Illinois to go down to St. Louis. I didn't leave the Midwest last week (but I did this week!). Still working on getting out of the country by next October.

Hobbies (Bowling) Goal: Improve league bowling average and lower handicap.
Accomplished?: This wasn't accomplished this past week. My average and handicap stayed the same. But I think I will have improved after my scores from last week's league are calculated in.

Hobbies (New Things) Goal: Try something brand new.
Accomplished?: That marinara sauce was brand new for me. I cannot remember ever having tomato sauce before that only had tomatoes in it. It messed with my head for a while, but I worked it out! I'm just glad I'm able to make food that both Easy and I love since we have such different textural preferences.

I got 9 of my goals completed this week. That isn't as good as my record, but it is better than my average!

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